SAT Courses, Tutoring & More

Over the years a person tends to slowly come to terms with their own competitive advantage. The same can be said about non-profit organizations. When it comes to AYCA, this competitive advantage clearly resides with all the educators on our board of directors.

These highly qualified educators have an excellent network within the community. They understand the particular needs and requirements of students. And when the time comes, they also know how to get the word out about a particular after school tutoring program or one of our SAT courses.

We have built excellent relationships with schools and community organizations where we can find the right tutors to manage an after school class that serves as a safe & convenient learning environment for our students. We do our best to communicate with our tutors, giving them feedback about what we hear from students and parents.

The same can be said about our SAT course. The qualified tutor normally has experience teaching a standardized course with another (usually more pricey) service or they have previously excelled on the SAT themselves and feel confident in their teaching skills to share their secrets with our students. Our course offering will always include a safe & comfortable space for students to meet for their scheduled sessions, as well as course materials. Most importantly, this course is provided at cost---which is normally hundreds (and sometimes, even thousands) less than popular courses offered in the marketplace.

Utilizing these same competitive advantages, we hope to one day offer more curated courses that target specialized writing for resume cover letters or college essays. We aspire to do special courses for creative writing or bring in a local math wiz volunteer to teach a special course on algebra or geometry. At the end of the day, we understand our competitive advantage and here at AYCA we use this advantage to serve our youth in the community.